There are ways to have cheaper insurance premiums! Below are some lesser-known health insurance discounts you might want to take advantage of.
Join a weight management program
Insurance companies like clients who are low risk. When it comes to health insurance, few metrics demonstrate risk for the company as much as weight does. So, many companies actively encourage their clients to be healthier by offering insurance discounts to those who are enrolled in a weight management program. Some programs commonly endorsed by insurance companies are Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.
Document your results
If you are making better lifestyle choices that have positively affected your weight or alleviated chronic conditions, you might be able to get the cost of your health insurance plan reduced. This will require documenting your results, usually done through a physical with a doctor selected by your insurance company. This can save you significant money in the long term.
Live tobacco free
Smoking is linked to a wide variety of health issues that are quite costly to health insurance companies. To keep their costs low, some companies reward clients who do not smoke or who are actively making an effort to quit. If you have a tobacco habit, kicking it could help you save money and live a longer, healthier life.
Use a fitness tracker
Providers are more frequently embracing fitness tracking technology, and so it has become one of the best ways to get a discount on your health insurance plan. While you do have to buy a device upfront, future discounts can be worth the initial cost. Usually, these discounts are tied to you getting in a certain number of steps on a daily or weekly basis.
If you are uncertain what discounts your insurance provider offers, contact your insurance broker. He or she should be able to detail all the discounts available to you and help you decide which to take advantage of. Don’t turn down a chance to simultaneously better your health, lifestyle and finances!
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