Although people are increasingly using artificial trees to decorate for Christmas, some still prefer to go the natural route. If you fall under the latter, it’s vital that you take certain precautions to keep your home and family safe during the holiday season.
Ensure the tree is fresh
Trees begin to dry out as soon as they are cut down. If you go to where trees are grown, you can select the one you want and have it cut down for you, making it as fresh as possible. When buying a pre-cut tree from a vendor, check that they’ve been watering the tree and that it has green needles.
Keep your tree stable
Once you have your tree in your house you should stabilize it. Your tree should not wobble at all, and when tugged on a bit, should not topple over. As you decorate, think about anything that could catch on the decorations, as well as items children or pets might want to grab onto that could cause the tree to fall and injure them.
Take care with your tree placement
Natural trees are much more likely to catch fire than artificial ones. You should position them well away from heat sources. This includes items such as fireplaces, radiators and candles, and also things you might not suspect, such as floor vents and lamps.
Use the right lights
Only indoor lights approved by a testing organization should be used on natural trees. Before placing lights on your tree, inspect the cord for spots that are worn or broken as well as for any loose connections; if you find any, toss them. Never connect more strands than the manufacturer recommends and do not overload outlets.
Follow proper daily care
Once your tree is secure and decorated safely, incorporate two small, but important, tasks into your daily routine. Water your tree every day to keep it moisturized and reduce the risk of fire, and turn off the lights on the tree before leaving the home or going to bed.
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